Coming of Age in Mississippi Essay

Total Length: 845 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Despite herself, Anne Moody gets drawn into the fight for civil rights, knowing the challenge is exceptionally easier said than done but knowing she has no other course to take. For her, the civil rights movement is such an essential part of her whole being. The various economic, social racial and physical injustices that took place in the general African-American public from her childhood until she became an adult was the motivation for her involvement in the civil rights movement.

She verbalizes of unimaginable possibility and circumstances and how she deal with to keep excelling in her ambition, nonetheless she give you an idea about her hesitation, fear, and skepticism about the whole civil rights movement's achievement. While she persistently fought the surge of society and her elders, all of a sudden in the end she is trying to communicate as if it all may have been for not.

As Anne Moody brought to mind her youth, she recognized that from a very early age, racism wasn't just something to read about in newspapers.

In Mississippi, it was like a menacing cancer from which there was no break away from. She wondered why the White American families had such present facilities such as indoor toilets, while her family and those like them were deprived of with such things.
Even early on, she possessed the audacity which would find full expression later in her life. Later on as she started to be more involved in the civil rights movement, her frightened mother continually plead to her to be more careful in dealing with violent bigots.

Anne Moody shows that there are no pure victories of good over evil, justice over racism. Even as she prepares to go to Washington to testify on behalf of the civil rights movement, she is worn out with reservation and an insinuation of desolation at what she has experienced in her life. All the hypocrisy and all the incidents did not stop Anne Moody in evolving in terms of personal determination to cut through the wrongs with her own sense of what is right. Although courage is growing in her, it was harder for her not to speak out.

A piece of her spiritual strength can be credited to her perception of the process of her own development. She is persistently reflecting on what is going on around her and evaluating it according to her own internal ethical standards......

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