Cognitive Processes of Cognitive Processes Thesis

Total Length: 1855 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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The methodology used was to study a selected group of children. While the results are useful in examining this cognitive process, it could also be argued that the group was too small to make general assessments and that further studies would have to be undertaken to compare the results of this study over a wider range of children. This would also take into account other variables such as ethnic group etc.

3. Conclusion

The study of cognitive process provides us with valuable insight into the way that children and adults perceive the word around them. The way that we perceive, filter and retain our reality plays a vital part in the way that we react and behave and in our personal development.

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The issues of perception, sensory memory and social cognitive factors all play a cardinal role in human development. The more that we study and understand the various cognitive reprocesses the better we are able to understand the way that human beings interact and react to their environment......

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