Code of Conduct for Any Term Paper

Total Length: 1393 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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In this case because of the substance abuse acknowledged by the nurse, special considerations would apply. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, "Substance abuse is a recognized universal health problem affecting the nursing community that requires appropriate management" (American, 1996, p. 253). The question then becomes was the first administrator correct in her view, or was a full-blown discussion necessary in order to address the second administrator's concerns?

Accordingly the website espoused the fact that special care was to be implemented in this case.

The key, according to the website, was not what should or should not be the end result, but the steps taken in order to culminate in a fair and just decision for all involved. Justice, in this particular case would have to pertain to more than just what actions should be taken to punish the nurse for her choices. Other items to consider would be how other employees would feel and act if the nurse were to be hired back after her rehabilitation, as well as the fact that patients were affected, and a primary concern of how such an individual can affect those with who she works and interacts within the health care facility.

The website linked any actions taken in regards to ethical questions to the value system being adhered to by the institution. After the values have been defined then it becomes necessary to apply the data collected to those specific values in order to render a determination on what course of action would best be fit for the individuals involved.

Only after the facts, the values, and the conflicts have been sorted can creative solutions be determined. The best solutions are those that least infringe on the rights of all of the parties interested in the outcome to the dilemma" (Badzak, 1998). The key then is to gather the information, then apply that information in a fair and just manner to the values previously established by the institution.
The end result should be a compromise that is beneficial to all parties.

How that plays into my own particular circumstance would be interesting. My earlier statement of ethics to which I adhere shows me as knowing and understanding the black and white differences by which I am both judged and I judge. In this case, the nurse made the wrong choices, and in order to safeguard her patients, the hospital and herself then it is my belief that an open discussion involving her actions needs to take place between all those affected by those actions. The nurse knew what her duties, responsibilities and rights were, as well as what her actions would mean to her future. She ultimately chose the wrong path and almost any repercussions based on that choice are ones that were brought upon her by herself. She did not have to divert those drugs, she did not have to cover up her actions after the diversions and she was putting her patient's care, comfort and health at risk. The decision she made can be rectified, and she is attempting to rehabilitate herself, both of which are positive aspects to this event. For justice however to be served, she must face whatever consequences the institution's previously set standards and values state must take place. If those standards include a full-blown discussion on what took place, then her consequences are just.

A primary goal of the institution would likely be to list those values, maintain written standards and publish the rights, responsibilities and consequences in a prominent manner so that all employees understand the sequence of events that will take place if they fail to adhere to those written words.


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