Clinical Intervention Assessment Tool Analysis Other

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aSSESSMENT TOOL ANALYSISUsing this template, you will identify an assessment tool you intend to incorporate into your clinical intervention with at least one client during the quarter. Once you have completed the initial review of your approved site’s scope of practice and provided services, you will identify an assessment tool and a client with whom you have determined the assessment tool to be beneficial. You will submit an analysis of the assessment tool.STEP 1: PREPARATION ____________________________________Read· Hays, D. G. (2013). Use of Assessment in Counseling. In Assessment in Counseling: A Guide to the Use of Psychological Assessment Procedures (5th ed., pp. 3–24). American Counseling Association.· Hays, D. G. (2013). Ethical, Legal, and Professional Considerations in Assessment. In Assessment in Counseling: A Guide to the Use of Psychological Assessment Procedures (5th ed., pp. 25–40). American Counseling Association. 2: SITE ASSESSMENT NEEDS REVIEW __________________Review your site’s data in the following areas. Based on the data, consider where the site would benefit from incorporating a specific assessment tool that is currently not being utilized.· The mission statement of the site· Demographics/population(s) served· Preferred client outcome for the identified populationSite Data Summary:1. Identify who in the building can help you. Who is your data expert; who can help you interpret the data?????? My supervisor will also be helpful in the confirmation and guidance on the core data points and the site’s scope and oversight of counseling practices for inquiries in case of challenges in the course of building. A specialist in health informatics will be sought to assist in defining the data need and the analysis and interpretation of findings.1. What is the mission/vision statement of the site? How does this mission/vision statement align with the ACA (American Counseling Association) Mission Statement and Code of Ethics?????? The site’s mission is “To offer professional counseling to help minority male same-sex couples alleviate internalized stigma and improve relationship functioning.” The mission aligns with the ACA’s mission since it aims to render professional development and advocate for ethical, culturally-inclusive practices that protect vulnerable minority male same-sex couples in the rendered counseling services. The values that will be adhered to on the site are concurrent with those stipulated by ACA: integrity, proactiveness, professional community, diversity, scientific-based practice, and professional organization to accomplish mental health, education, and wellness.1. Who does the site/agency support? Share general demographic information about the population being served.????? The site aims to help young minority male same-sex couples who are stressed, which creates challenges in the couple’s functioning.

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In gay and bisexual relationships, individual and partner stress can negatively affect the functioning of the relationship among young male couples. The actor and partner effects of minority stress are often internalized stigma, victimization, outness, and microaggressions. These challenges result in negative relationship interactions and relationship quality.1. Identify the preferred outcome…

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…that the assessment tool will address.????? The stress experienced by one partner impacts the functionality of the relationship. Consequently, the evaluation of the nature of behavior and psychosocial elements of an individual and as a couple is critical to determine if either one of the partners has internalized stigma and the emergent challenges in the relationship. APIM will facilitate the patterns between the partners as wither actors only, partner only, couple oriented, or contrast. This information will facilitate the determination of suitable interventions, such as identifying occasional and cumulative stress among partners.3. Justify the application of this assessment tool with your identified client/clients and how you intend to incorporate the assessment tool into the counseling process.????? Applying the APIM with minority stressed patients or patients who have internalized stigma will facilitate the mapping of intrapersonal and cross-partner associations of sexual minority stress on relationship quality in male same-gender couples. Since minority stress involves continuous stressors relevant to an individual’s sexual identity that fits the conceptualization of cumulative forms of chronic stress. These insights are critical in identifying the core challenges of each partner and the nature they affect the relationship. Consequently, suitable intervention measures can be implemented to solve the challenges or train dyadic coping strategies. The interventions implemented to improve the nature of the relationship are informed by the challenges associated with creating a common understanding......

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