Classroom Situation, It Is Often Essay

Total Length: 728 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Teachers might also show appreciation for specific traits and characteristics that students bring to the classroom. In the diverse world of learning today, it is a fact of education that most classrooms are integrated social entities that include several cultures. Teachers may show appreciation for these cultures by researching and discussing each representative culture in her class for a number of lessons. This will encourage students to become more tolerant of each other, not only in the classroom, but also in the world at large. This type of appreciation provides a positive alternative for the prejudice that is all too often part of the students' worlds. Appreciation opens up the consciousness to beauty and harmony, which is a very important part of the teaching paradigm.

Finally, a very simple way of showing appreciation is to reward success. Those who perform particularly well in a test might for example be rewarded by means of a small gesture such as a chocolate bar or a star, depending upon the age of the child.
A certain amount of stars can then be used to "buy" an item like a book or a toy displayed in the classroom.

Teachers who reward their children or simply show appreciation for their innovation and their presence in the classroom will inevitably become appreciated themselves. Mutual appreciation is a profoundly important part of the classroom in a world where this phenomenon is practiced far too infrequently. Teachers who show their students regular appreciation by means of feedback and creative classroom ideas will cultivate a generation and future workforce that thrives on both receiving and giving acknowledgement to the people in their lives for the contribution that they provide and the type of people that they are......

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