Classical and Symbolic Theories in Organization Capstone Project

Total Length: 1076 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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Literature Review / How Organizational Theories Improve OperationsOrganizational theories provide a framework for understanding how businesses operate. By understanding the different types of organizations and the way they function, managers can make more informed decisions about how to improve operations. For example, theories of bureaucracy can help managers to identify inefficiencies in their organization and to implement policies that will improve productivity. In addition, theories of organizational design can help managers to create a more effective structure for their business. By understanding and applying these theories, managers can make significant improvements to the way their businesses operate.Operations management is the process of planning, organizing, and controlling the resources needed to produce goods and services. Classical theory is a branch of operations management that emphasizes efficiency and predictability. Its key insights can be used to improve operations in a number of ways. For example, classical theory can help managers to develop more efficient processes, to better utilize resources, and to minimize the risk of disruptions. In addition, classical theory can be used to improve communication and coordination among workers. By understanding and applying the insights of classical theory, operations managers can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their organizations.Symbolic organization theory is another perspective that can be used to improve operations within a company. This theory suggests that businesses are organized around culturally-defined symbols that give meaning to the work being done (Hassard, 2002). By understanding the role of symbols in organizational life, managers can make decisions that will improve employee satisfaction and motivation. In addition, this understanding can help managers to create a more efficient and effective workplace (Hatch, 2018). As businesses become increasingly complex, the need for strong leadership that understands the importance of symbolic organization theory will only grow. Those who can effectively use this theory to guide their decision-making will be well-positioned to succeed in the ever-changing business world.

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Another theoretical perspective that can be helpful in improving operations is whether to make an organization open or closed. Organizational systems can be either open or closed, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Closed systems are highly centralized and controlled, with a clear chain of…

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…before people can satisfy higher-level needs, such as the need for self-actualization. According to Maslow (1943), once a need is satisfied, it is no longer a motivator. Maslow’s (1943) theory can be used to improve operations by identifying which needs are most important to employees and making sure that these needs are met. For example, if employees are not being paid enough to meet their basic needs, they will not be motivated to work hard or be productive. By addressing this issue, employers can improve employee motivation and productivity.Yet, as Gerhart and Fang (2015) point out, in any organization, both intrinsic and extrinsic forms of motivation play an important role in driving employee productivity and engagement. Intrinsic motivation comes from within oneself, whereas extrinsic motivation is externally driven. While intrinsic motivation is more internal and often more difficult to foster, it can be more powerful in terms of its impact on employee behavior. A motivated workforce is essential for any organization that wants to improve its operations. Ultimately, by understanding the role that motivation plays in organizational success, organizations can make….....

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