Cisco Safe's Network Security Planning Network Security Essay

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Cisco SAFE's Network Security Planning

Network Security

Cisco SAFE

Cisco SAFE has significantly help in securing large internetwork that has remain a daunting challenge; this complexity has been facilitated through cloud computing as well as social networks. Cisco SAFE architecture offer guidelines of design and implementation which are detailed that is used for building secure and reliable network infrastructures as well as the policies supporting them. The guides have been established based on security best practices that have been amalgamated with several hours spent in designing, testing, and documentation.

Since the contemporary organizational environment is full of threats, the target is directed on everything and Cisco SAFE uses defense-in-depth approach to provide the needed security. Systemwide intelligence approach for SAFE tend to address network devices; security of the infrastructure, applications and application servers; endpoints; email; web; databases; storage systems; communications devices; and other servers. This is accomplished through putting emphasis on the integration of security into every of these components, therefore instead of becoming just targets, every of the component has a contribution to make on strategic placement of purpose-built products security, health of the network, as well as collaboration between such elements to establish systemwide intelligence and advance visibility and control.

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Moreover, secure management and reporting design of SAFE offer a combined strategy that is used to enforce policy and to monitor, analyze, and respond to threats.

The focus of design principles of Cisco SAFE is to provide greater security in certain areas of the network and also among and between functional network zones, as transaction together with transactions pass through the whole infrastructure, Cisco (2009). Sharing of posture information and event across safeguards and among devices takes place to help in greater visibility, while coordination of response actions is under a general control strategy.

Security Control Framework

The underlying strategy of SAFE tends to be the Security Control Framework, which is a standardized approach that is used in security policy development and deployment. Principles and actions of Security Control and Framework are applied in identifying the best technologies and the most appropriate common practices used in securing exceptional environment of every place within a network. The outcome revolves around using together multiple security technologies and capabilities all through the network in order to have visibility within the network activity, put into effect network policy, as well as address the abnormal traffic. Moreover, elements….....

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