Chungking Express: Film Analysis Essay

Total Length: 1030 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Chung King Express by Kar Wai Wong

This is an inspirational films that covers the ideals of love and the mystery tat there is in the aspect of love. It covers the unspoken ideas of love which, as the film depicts, are some of the most important thing in the love circle. It also depicts the irony of love especially when one sets out to seek love. The film also depicts the intricate struggles of life that people come across as they seek love, some of which may not be totally known to people outside.

Chung King Express highlights the life of two policemen within the Hong Kong City, both of whom had been abandoned by their love and were struggling to have their love life straight once more. Tony Chiu also referred to as cop 663 in the film is seen to be struggling to get over the girlfriend who was a flight attendant. He cannot seem to reconcile with the fact that the girlfriend left and hence keeps hoping that she would some day come back. He keeps looking at the former girlfriend walk up the stairs to the airport to report for work and this makes him harbor that hope that some day he will get back together with him. In the meantime, he frequents a lunch counter and keeps meeting a girl at the counter service with whom he seems to be slowly falling in love. This is a set of honest policeman and hard working lady who just cannot seem to be breaking the ice and speaking out their minds.
The lady at the counter also seems to like cop 663 since she sneaks into his apartment and does the cleaning and at one point seems to be jealous and even cries upon detecting the long hair of the former girlfriends on the bed of cop 663. On the other hand, there is a hard working cop, Zhiwu also referred to as cop 223 depicted as well as love stricken policeman who has just broken up with his girlfriend of five years and he does not seem to reconcile with the fact that it is true they broke up. He employs self-pity and strange reassurance that the girlfriend will somehow come back. He decides to buy tinned pintails that are dated 1st May each day for a whole month. This is a self reassurance tactic with the hopes that by the end of that expiration date, then he shall have been rejoined by the girlfriend or the love too shall find a way of expiring together with the pineapples. This is a strange coping mechanism. This coping mechanism is not only restricted to this cop 223 alone but the lady at the restaurant, who is being eyed by cop 663 seems to be taking refuge in loud western music for the job that is stressful and social pressures of the world, including the fact that she is in love with cop 663 and there is no way to show him.

The apparent irony in the film is highlighted in two….....

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