When Do Children Acquire Prosocial Attitudes Essay

Total Length: 903 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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ObservationIntroductionThe development of prosocial behavior in children is a critical aspect of their growth and signifies a significant milestone in their social development. Prosocial behavior refers to actions intended to aid, comfort, or benefit others without the expectation of reciprocation or reward. This essay presents an observational study conducted at a local public park, focusing on a three-year-old child during play. The child's actions and interactions with peers provide an opportunity to examine and understand the manifestation of prosocial behavior in early childhoodWhat I SawThe concept I observed relates to social development, specifically the development of prosocial behavior.The observation took place at a local public park. I was seated on a bench, observing a three-year-old child who was playing with peers of the same age group in the playground area. The parents were also present, watching from a nearby location.During my observation, I noticed the child engaging in an interesting behavior. When another child accidentally fell and dropped his toy, the observed child stopped his play, approached the fallen child, and helped him up. He then picked up the dropped toy and handed it back to the child. This behavior was repeated later when a different child was in a similar situation.The behavior exemplifies prosocial behavior, which is a voluntary behavior intended to benefit others (Wigfield et al., ). This includes actions like sharing, helping, or comforting others, as seen in this child's behavior.The observation was somewhat expected, as children begin to exhibit prosocial behavior around this age, although the consistency and frequency of this behavior can vary greatly (Morris et al., 2017). However, other children did not demonstrate the same kind of care or concern as the child I observed—and this is also not surprising.

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Prosocial behaviors are not learned all at once or by every child at the same…

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…an understanding of others' needs and a desire to help. The child's actions, therefore, could indicate an emerging sense of morality, where he recognizes the importance of helping others in need.ConclusionIn conclusion, the observation of the three-year-old child at the park offered valuable insights into the early emergence of prosocial behavior. The child demonstrated an understanding of others' emotions and needs, and a willingness to assist, reflecting an early development of empathy, perspective-taking skills, and potentially, moral development. While the observation aligns with existing literature on early childhood development, the consistency of the child's prosocial behavior compared to the behaviors of other children at play at the same time at the same park does also provide a unique perspective on the variability and individual differences in the development of these behaviors. As one continues to study and understand early childhood development, such observations can help to underline the importance of real-world, naturalistic….....

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