Childhood Obesity the Prevalence of Childhood Obesity Research Proposal

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Childhood Obesity

The prevalence of childhood obesity has grown into a significant health issue over the past three decades. Research indicates that 70% of obese youths become obese adults (Gierzynski et al., 2010). The purpose of this longitudinal study is to determine the effects of a health promotion program administered by nurse practitioners to raise awareness of the determinants of good health will have on the general health of a select population particularly as it pertains to obesity and the resultant health issues.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) (2010) reports childhood obesity has more than tripled over the last 30 years. Incidences of obesity among children ages 6 to 11 rose from 6.5% in 1980 to 19.6% in 2008. Among adolescents ages 12 to 19 the obesity rate increased from 5.0% to 18.1% during the same period.

Obesity is the result of consuming more calories than one expends. It is a condition that is influenced by behavioral, environmental, and genetic factors and potentially leads to serious health issues. Losing weight requires a combination of eating less and exercising more. For most adults it is difficult to stay motivated to do these things.

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For children, who do not necessarily understand the negative consequences being overweight may have on their health, nor have the self-regulatory skills necessary to stay on a diet and exercise program, it is even more difficult.

Children who are obese may suffer both immediate and long-term health problems. The CDC (2010) notes that obese youth are more likely to have risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure. In a population-based sample of 5 to 17-year-olds, 70% of obese youth had at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Children and adolescents who are obese are at greater risk for bone and joint problems, sleep apnea, and social and psychological problems such as stigmatization and poor self-esteem.

As for long-term consequences, overweight adolescents have a 70% chance of becoming overweight or obese adults, which increases to 80% if one or more parent is overweight or obese. Obesity in adulthood increases the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, arthritis, and a general poor health status. In 2009 the total health care cost.....

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