Childhood Any Less Safe and Enjoyable Now Term Paper

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childhood any less safe and enjoyable now than in the past?

Childhood is a period that initiates a change in the perspective of the family or the parents involved. It entails the aspect of responsibilities and commitments for the parent to ensure safe and secure parenting for the child. However, concerns continue to arise due to the dynamic nature of the society. The society keeps on evolving, changing various aspects and practices within the community. Through these developments, the child does not escape the eventual outcomes from these changes. Social construction consists of incorporation of new practices, which develop into the norm of the society while the old are replaced through these procedures and changes. The child faces challenges in their adaptive mechanisms as these changes come with risks, anxieties, worries and fear from the eminent social changes.

The social changes led to the evolution of a generalized world, in which the risks therein necessitated the establishment of human rights. It is in these bills of rights that we find the rights of the child. These developments never existed in the past; hence the question, does this mean that the society in the past did not pose risks to the development of the child than it is today. The establishment of these rights of children indicates the evidence of the range of risks form the concerns threatening the childhood of the children. For instance, there are risks such as food contamination, disease transmission, violence and informational pollution that did not exist in the ancient times. Initially children were a property of the community, unlike today where the family institution is wholly a personal matter. This means that the responsibility of upbringing children and ensuring their security is for the immediate parents and guardians only. However, the challenge arises in that the parents are too busy seeking and pursuing their occupations that they are not available for the children. Therefore, the child faces more risks while growing than they would have in the past.

The evolving culture of once considered illegal sexual acts, such as sodomy of children and rape pose significant challenges to the safety of the growing child. Children today live in fear of rapists and other sexual violation criminals in the society. The dynamic nature of the food industry also presents pressure to the safe growth and development of the child. The processed foodstuff poses the danger of contaminating food for the children. Additionally, disease transmission is also matter of concern. There are many new diseases and conditions today than there existed. This presents challenges to the growing child as they live in fear of becoming ill. Lastly is the thereat that has come with the evolving technology. Technology is unavoidable, considering the benefits it has to the society. However, in view of the issue at hand, technology is presenting more challenges to the growing child as it is presenting good things. This comes in the form of information technology. Availability of information is a good thing. However, the parents fail as they are unable to regulate the content children get from the media. Media affects the children growth by providing information such as sexual content that they should not see. Additionally, technology presents games such as computer games, movies and music, which is changing the living style of children. Today, children abandon the old physical games, which aided in their growth, thus they grow weak and not knowing how to socialize since they never interact with other children. Thus, the childhood of today is more challenging than the childhood in the past. It is less safe and less enjoyable.

Question two

Discuss the social dimensions of IVF and plastic sexuality.

The developing technological advances continue to complicate the lives of people in the perception that they are aiding them. Technology in medical science and health science makes sexuality appear as though it is not significant in the society. Plastic sexuality is the growing trend in the society, and it is bringing more harm than good in the lives of those practicing. Plastic sexuality involves the application of artificial means of satisfying the sexual desires of people. These include the development of structures and instruments used by humans to meet their desires, such as sex toys. The people use sex toys to fulfill their sexual desires. However, in comparison to the natural aspect and practices of meeting sexual desires, it remains that plastic sexuality does not fulfill the desires of the people as expected. Technology in health science is good and positively contributes to better society and sexually fulfilling life if used accordingly.

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Such include the improvement of sexual organs by making them appealing for more satisfying sex activity. Additionally, technology and plastic sexuality can help medically to correct sexual dysfunctions in people who have problems during sex. However, the misuse of this technology to develop sex toys for pleasing oneself leave the people yearning for actual sexual satisfaction.

Secondly, the issue of plastic sexuality also incorporates the development of Intro Vitro Fertilization. IVF is a process that entails the use of a mature egg and sperm in the laboratory to make a baby. Then, after fertilizing the egg in the test tubes, the egg is implanted into the womb of the mother. This technique is a positive development procedure, developed medically to assist people who had challenges in getting children. IVF would assist people with sexual challenges in fulfilling their desire to have children. However, with the developments in the society, people are misuse the practice to avoid experiencing the pains of broken relationships and betrayal in the relationships. Additionally, the obsession of the people to have children via IVF for couples who cannot conceive poses a challenge to the sexual lives of the couples involved. With the assisted reproductive technologies, people end feeling like science experiments, instead of experiencing the joy that comes with the natural conceiving process. The person, though happy with the baby, still feels discontented from the thought and feeling of being a science experiment. Their sexual life also declines as it appears as an act of vain, which does not meet their sexual desires. They fail to experience the thrill of natural sexual activity. Therefore, plastic sexuality, and the development of IVF among other practices continue to contribute to the social impacts of broken relationships, adultery and unwarranted addictions that affect the common good and principles of human flourishing in the society.

Question three

What are some key features of queer sexuality?

In the past, before civilization took effect to include aspects of human rights incorporated today, the society conceptualized sexuality as a sacred and forbidden subject for open discussion. The perception of people discussing sexuality openly made them appear as sexual perverts and people without morals. It presented respect within the society among adults and children, and the married and unmarried people. However, as times changed, the subject became a significant aspect of the society and as such, necessitated the opening of platforms for people to explore their sexuality. This was a positive development as people learned and experienced sexual knowledge that helped them to grow their sexual life. The society became a safe place for people to knowing how to manage their sexuality and relationships. However, the evolving society explored more than it could contain, hence the development of queer sexuality practices. These queer practices caused significant commotion the society that it necessitated the establishment of human rights that incorporate the respect to the sexuality of the people. Such queer practices that brought confusion into the society today include the encryption of women homosexuals. Homosexuals include all practices involving gays and lesbians. The aspect of homosexuality, in comparison to heterosexuals complicated the dichotomy of gender for both sexes. The current queer practices of sexuality challenge the natural sexual settings and programming of the human anatomy. Initially, the dichotomy outlined the aspect of either being male or female based on the physical, anatomical features of the person. As such, it was easy for people to establish their sexual identity as either female or males; hence, establishing acceptable relationships within the society.

However, the challenging of the heterosexual gender dichotomy initiated confusion in the society. There are issues such as the identity of people as they seek to establish who they are. People with sexual disorders find themselves in the mix up as they try to establish whether they are male or female. Thus, the aspects of gays and lesbianism crept into the society. These are queer practices in view of the initial societal beliefs, where sex was wholly heterosexual. However, the current open and fluid nature of sexual classifications is making the society confuse the identity of people, with those who have genuine disorders of transgender. Transgender issue in itself is a disorder, acceptable by medical establishments. However, the queer developments in the society of lesbianism, bisexuality and gays constitute the confusion for the people in establishing their identity. The radical sexual fringes also contribute to the growing controversies….....

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