Change Model Overview the First Step in Capstone Project

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Change Model Overview

The first step in assessing the need for change is the collection of internal data. Surveys will be used to question the hospital staff regarding not only their practice of hand washing on a daily and hourly basis, but also their knowledge about the importance of hand hygiene in general. Thus, the survey will include three major components: hand washing, knowledge of health codes and understanding of concepts behind the need for proper hand washing. This survey will be based on a Liekert scale, rated 1 to 5, with 1 being strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree. Results can then be compared to different hospital facilities.

Within the context of this research, the primary problem is the fact that a lack of proper hand hygiene can result in increased risks of spreading hospital based infections.

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When nursing staff fails to adhere to proper compliance codes ultimately risks the quality of care within the healthcare facility. The best method for increasing greater adherence to hand hygiene codes in order to reduce the risks of spread potentially dangerous bacteria within the hospital setting. Education regarding tips for how to practice the best hygiene can help increase a hospital's staff adherence. Training activities and hand hygiene certification should be required by all hospital staff.

Prior research has already shown that enhanced scrutiny over hand hygiene can help keep risks of spreading bacteria to a minimum. Jones (2014) illustrated the correlation between hand hygiene and reducing risks of spreading infections within hospitals. Brooks (2013) illustrated the need for external regulators to step in to healthcare settings in order….....

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