Challenge Facing Islam in the Modern World Essay

Total Length: 698 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the modern world given that it provides a radically divergent view of God and mankind. The rapid growth of this religion has contributed to increased study of Islam by the West in attempts to understand the life of the Muslim. Additionally, Muslims themselves have expressed great interest in studying the reality of their religion in relation to the modern world. The increased focus on studying Islam is fueled by the need to understand how to practice Islam in the modern world without losing the tenets of the religion. Throughout its history, Islam has faced considerable challenges from time to time and responded differently depending on the challenge itself. In the modern 21st Century, Islam has also experienced tremendous challenges and responded to these challenges using various ways in order to enhance the reality of the religion among its followers.

According to Scharbrodt (2016), Islam and the Muslim world has faced significant challenges or crises in the 21st Century. One of the challenges facing Islam as it encounters the modern world in the 21st Century is the strong association of the religion with terrorism, particularly in the West. While statistics demonstrate that only 0.2% of the Muslim population across the globe are involved in violent acts and commit crimes in the name of this religion, there has been a strong link between Islam and terrorism in the recent past. This strong link is attributable to the fact a number of Muslims have been engaged in terrorist activities and committed violent crimes in the name of Islam.

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This tiny number has generated negative repercussions and implications for the Muslim world, especially in relation to how Islam is viewed by non-Muslims. Non-Muslims view Islam as a violent religion and link it to terrorism because of the involvement of some Muslims in terrorism and violent acts in the name of their religion and beliefs.

The strong association of Islam with terrorism has also been fueled by the rise of Islamic extremism through which radical Muslims or extremists use religion as a pretext for conducting violent and terrorist activities. Islamic extremism has risen in the Middle East, which is a region with a tribal and feudal culture (Antunez, 2015). Groups of Islamic extremists have become difficult to deal with since they are well-trained, well-funded, and have extensive networks established in different countries, especially Muslim….....

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