Central America and Mother Book Report

Total Length: 926 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Enrique's Journey Book Summary

Enrique's Journey was the story of a young boy from Central America who quest to reunite with his mother who had left him at the age of 5 in order to search for work in the United States. Lourdes was Enrique's mother who struggled in Honduras to support her young children named Enrique and Belky. However, she realized that she would not be able to send her children to schools, and she did not want them to remain poor. Thus, she left her home to travel to the United States to be able to take care of her children by sending money to them. As a young child, Enrique did not have an idea why their mother left them and his family in Honduras did not provide a straight answer. Over the years, she moved from one family's home to the other while his sister was well cared for by her aunt and attended a good school. However, Enrique was forced to sell food despite his young age to pay for the family expenses. He lived with paternal grandmother, she eventually kicked him out of the house when he started to rebel. He was frustrated with his mother thinking why his mother had to abandon him. The frustration pushed Enrique to turn to drug, however, her girlfriend, Maria Isabel, and the family tried to intervene with no effort.

After years in the United States, Lourdes discovered that the life in the United States was not as easy as she had expected because she worked for series of low-paying jobs and became pregnant. After giving birth to a daughter, she lost her factory job and became a prostitute. However, she was able to find another job again after some time and was able to send money, toys and clothing to her children in Honduras.

Although, both Belky and Enrique appreciated the gifts, however, they still felt that there was no substitute for their mother and they preferred their mother physical presence. Despite the gifts, Enrique continues with the drug problem, which continues to escalate by taking the drug on credit.. One day, the drug seller threatens his cousin because of the unpaid debt.

Enrique stole the jewelry of his aunt's to pay the debt and he was caught by the police. Thus, his aunt kicked him out of the house again. Frustrated, Enrique felt compelled to travel to the United States to join his mother, a person, whom he believed would love him. He started the journey from Central America to Mexico, and moved his way to the United States. He started the journey with little money, his mother phone number written on a sheet of paper, and few clothes.….....

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