Cellular Protein Synthesis Is a Two Step Essay

Total Length: 506 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Cellular protein synthesis is a two step process. The first process is DNA transcription in which inside the cell's nucleus a gene encoding protein is copied into RNA. Then genes, in the form of DNA, are branded into the cell's chromosomes. Essentially this transcription process is copying mechanism. The next step in cellular protein synthesis is RNA translation. This step occurs after the mRNA has been moved to the ribosomal translation machines. These ribosomes are then read like a book and placed in specific sequences in order to produce the desired cell structure.

Brown University's Health Education Website list several advantages of a vegetarian diet. They include the following:

According to the ADA, vegetarians are at lower risk for developing:

Heart disease

Colorectal, ovarian, and breast cancers



Hypertension (high blood pressure)

Protein and calcium are lacking in a vegetarian diet however and these important building blocks of life need to be replaced in order for the human body to function correctly.

Stuck Writing Your "Cellular Protein Synthesis Is a Two Step" Essay?

Children need to modify their diet to ensure that protein and extra calcium is suffeciently consumed by eating foods such as grains, lentisl beans, tofu, nuts, milk, yogurt and other dairy products


1. When the body is depleted of food sources it will begin to function in a starvation mode. The metabolic functions of the body focus on burning the fatty acids of the body located in the fat reserves. When this fat is expended, the body begins to burn muscle for fuel. When dieting, the body will lose….....

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