Case Study of Communication Within an Organization Case Study

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Communication Within an Organization

Communication at Marketing Solutions

Marketing Solutions is a national company with offices located in New York and around the country, and it offers 30 years' experience working with a variety of companies to develop marketing communications programs. These programs are designed to promote more profitable relationships with customers. The company began by providing newsletter design and content, and the business has expanded to include brochures, web campaigns, direct mail pieces and other printed marketing materials. Marketing Solutions built an early following in the financial services industry, and subsequently the company has expanded to the healthcare, travel, consumer technology and retail industries.

Organizational structure

Marketing Solutions has 200 employees, including twenty who work in regional sales positions around the country. A president presides over the company, and he has five vice presidents who report directly to him on administrative matters. The rest of the company's divisions are: editorial, marketing and production. The editorial division creates products for customers and consists of five managers who oversee the financial, healthcare, travel, consumer technology and retail industries. Within these industry designations, there are fifteen account managers who serve as liaisons to the customers, eighteen copywriters and fifteen graphic artists. In the marketing division, there are 33 employees who share a variety of roles, including product development, customer outreach, service and product evaluation, company promotions and new customer acquisition. The production division is the largest in the company, since it encompasses the in-house print operations. There are eighty-two people who work various shifts in producing printed materials, and ten production traffic managers who make sure the printing is finished on-time. The remaining employees fill a variety of clerical and janitorial positions.

How communication is used

There are two types of communications at Marketing Solutions: communication within the organization, and communication with those outside of the organization. Within the company, communication is used to provide information on company initiatives, employee policies and Marketing Solutions' standing against competitors.

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Communication is also used to boost employee morale through contests, awards and company-sponsored activities. Communication also facilitates relationships between managers and subordinates, helping them solve problems and address issues within each division.

Communication with people outside the company allows Marketing Solutions to keep in touch with customers, fulfilling their needs and keeping to the production schedule. The company also uses various communication methods to inform customers and potential customers about company products and services.

Flow of communication

Depending on the nature of the message, communication at Marketing Solutions flows one of two ways. When the message is likely to be perceived as positive by employees, or if it being positioned as a positive message, communication comes directly from the president to employees at a monthly, company-wide meeting. At these meetings, awards are given out, commendations are made, and new products are unveiled.

If a message is negative, or may be perceived as such, the communication path is less direct. The president typically delivers the message to vice-presidents and division managers in closed, small-group meetings. Division managers then schedule small-group meetings with their subordinates to relay the president's message. Rarely do lower-level employees have the opportunity to discuss or debate unpopular messages with the president of the company. Any complaints are logged by division managers and are either dismissed by these managers or are passed along to the president, again in small-group meetings.

Horizontal communication of official policies is rare at Marketing Solutions; when same-level employees communicate and pass along information, it is most often through the grapevine. The grapevine is a significant communication factor in this company; employees often discover information, particularly negative messages, through the grapevine before official messages travel down from the president to the managers.

Meeting and communication in small groups is the preferred method of communication at Marketing Solutions.….....

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