Why Carl Van Vechten Helped Harlem Annotated Bibliography

Total Length: 1791 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 10

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Carl Van Vechten and his Influence on the Harlem Renaissance: Annotated Bibliography


The best way to describe Carl Van Vechten is to say that he was a wealthy, upper class white male from Middle America, who moved to the big city, loved the concept of blackness and thus played a pivotal role in shaping and supporting the Harlem Renaissance. Van Vechten was a photographer, a novelist, and an artist and his patronage of the Harlem Renaissance helped make the movement come to life, though not everyone saw his literary contributions as worthwhile.

Stuck Writing Your "Why Carl Van Vechten Helped Harlem" Annotated Bibliography?

Ralph Ellison viewed Van Vechten’s Nigger Heaven as a book that had a negative influence on the Negro novel’s development (Sanneh, 2014). This annotated bibliography will describe a number of different sources that help to explain and describe Carl Van Vechten and his influence on the Harlem Renaissance.


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