Career Strategy Based on the Assessments I Case Study

Total Length: 331 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

Career Strategy

Based on the assessments I have taken, and in the information offered by Moeller (2012), achieving a higher education is the most important key to securing a good career in the future. All but two of the jobs listed in the U.S. News and World Report require higher education and special skills training. Computer-based careers have the highest growth potential, which is unsurprising. I fully intend to take this information to heart, and to apply myself more diligently at school so that I can land a lucrative career in a field that interests me.

The approach toward a career will be based partly on my personal financial interests and goals, as well as a knowledge of my personality and character traits.

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I have a natural leadership ability and am an extraverted person. Therefore, I will do well in any corporate setting requiring me to work with others on a team basis.….....

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