Career in Sports Nutrition, Including the Background Term Paper

Total Length: 812 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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career in sports nutrition, including the background necessary for the career, the necessary education, and job opportunities for sports nutritionists. Sports nutritionists can help people from every way of life lead healthier, happier lives. A professional sports nutritionist studies nutritional needs, weight maintenance, and even eating disorders so they can understand the nutritional problems American's face, and help them make the right eating decisions for their own specific needs. With the growing problem of obesity in America, it is clear sports nutritionists will become even more valuable in the future. Today, they are an essential and integral part of modern sports exercise, and as the nutritional needs of our society continue to alter, nutritionists will play an even more important role in our healthy lives.

Sports nutrition is a relatively new field, and so many professionals are creating their own opportunities in many areas of exercise science and related sports careers. The professional association of Sports, Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutritionists, (SCAN) says sports nutritionists "provide consulting services to a wide range of athletes -- from junior and senior high school, college, and professional teams, to individual athletes and athletic clubs. Next to a balance of clinical knowledge, experience is the key to establishing a solid career in sports nutrition" (Nutrition, 2003).

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As one educational institution notes, "Sports Nutrition enables students to realize the components and lifelong benefits of sound nutrition and wellness practices and empowers them to apply these principles in their everyday lives" (Staff, 2000).

The education necessary for this job is usually completed as an undergraduate. It is usually found under the heading of Exercise Science in larger colleges and universities across the nation (Kornspan, 2002, p. 367). Nutritionists study a wide range of disciplines to gain the knowledge necessary for their career, including psychology, nutrition, chemistry, statistics, biochemistry, exercise physiology, administration, and many other aspects of exercise science and management (Wright, 2003). In addition, the Commission on Accreditation for Dietetic Education (CADE) accredits the best schools (Editors, 2003). Most recognized nutritionists take the National Registration Examination for Dietitians and abide by the American Dietetics Association Code of Ethics (Editors, 2003), after they complete their undergraduate education. They also serve at least one year as an intern in their field. There are numerous colleges and universities across the nation that also offer advanced study in sports nutrition.

There are many job opportunities open to sports nutritionists, in professional, educational, and athletic….....

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