Career Path and Careers Admission Essay

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As colleagues in the MBA program, we work together to create a mutually beneficial and supportive academic environment. I hope to challenge you and encourage you to push beyond your comfort zone, while remaining true to yourself and your goals. Together we can envision a better future in our personal and career path. I am sure we are all goal oriented, ambitious, and driven individuals who have reached this point in our careers already because of our passion for business and finance. What I would like for you to know about me is most likely something you will learn while working with me on a daily basis: I am passionate about corporate social responsibility and ethics. One of the reasons I have been continually drawn to applying my background in accounting to the healthcare profession is that I recognize opportunities for improvement and will work hard to change the organizational cultures of companies I serve as finance director. It seems like a tall order, but we each have a role to play and a responsibility to fulfill. The work of an accountant can seem dry to outsiders, but we possess the skill and potential for transformational leadership if we have the vision to do so.

Other things I might like for you to know about me is that I am a dependable person.
You can count on me to complete group projects on time and contribute beyond your expectations. As a New Yorker, I pride myself in being open-minded and work exceptionally well in diverse groups. In my experience, the quality of team output is directly related to the diversity of opinion, worldview, and outlook among team members. Strong leaders will emerge from our class, and it is our job to nurture each other as we pursue our goals at this critical junction in all of our careers. As we achieve this next milestone with an MBA in our sights, we need to continue asking ourselves how we can be of use to others. Our careers are not just our own; we are hopefully set on bigger visions and dreams such as helping others, improving public policy, or making businesses run more efficiently and ethically.

My passion for ethics….....

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