Career Objectives Term Paper

Total Length: 631 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Professional Plans and Career Objectives

Goal Statement for Insert Name

My career mission is to work in a dynamic team-oriented company performing financial analysis and helping to guide key decisions related financial projections that direct capital expenditures. I enjoy the mechanics of small details and insuring compliance to specific budgets, report types and the impact that this type of granularity has on recommendations for major decisions within a company.

My pre-college work experience taught me the differences between customer service, labor, and accounting and finance. The hands-on work I performed in a service industry provided me with an appreciation for customers and the need to efficiently do a good job but this type of career left me without a sense of challenge. Eventually I felt drawn to the back office as I learned that the payments and processing and efficient entry of data surrounding transactions was the lifeblood of the business. Eventual work experience in an international hotel taught me that major businesses wholly depend on competent, granular records and financial accounting.
I benefitted from a position that allowed freedom and required significant responsibility without direct supervision and included substantial data entry and report generation. I was introduced to billing and payment and was responsible for rudimentary report generation as accounts were closed out to hotel guests. In this position I developed a stronger interest in financial analysis as the operations of a hotel require substantially more integrated accounting and projections.

As a student at George Mason University I structured my opportunities to focus on business finance and the role of technology in financial recording and transactions. I recognized that my personality was one of individual contributor to a team with limited guidance and as such I focused my participation at George Mason in entrepreneurial business while studying both finance and business processes. I learned that I have skills both in financial analysis and computer….....

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