Career at Google Is a Company That Application Essay

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Career at Google

Google is a company that has made cultural, technological, and social history. is one of the most widely accessed websites in all of the Internet. It is a company that continues to make financial gains, corporation acquisitions, and technological innovations. This is a company in which I have a great deal of interest and see myself crafting a career there in my future. I am specifically interested in Google's marketing and social media departments. Social media is now an established industry and still an emerging market, which relates to my interest in marketing. Google, like Apple, uses creative and effective strategies to market their increasing range of products to diverse markets. As I look to work in a professional, collaborative, and high-energy environment, Google is a company that is my top choice.

Stuck Writing Your "Career at Google Is a Company That" Application Essay?

In the information or technological age, it is common knowledge that Google is a company with great financial fortitude. Google stock prices are extremely competitive in the global market. Google forges business relationships with other corporations and organizations with monumental presence and credibility, such as American Online - Time Warner, NASA, Microsoft, Nokia, Fox Interactive Media, and several others. Google is able to make deals in the hundreds of millions on a regular basis. This is astounding for a company that was established in 1998.

Google is a company that provides a wide variety of services to its consumers, so that they will constantly turn to Google products and services for their various needs. We are all very much aware of the Google search engine, with relatively new features such as Google+. Many of….....

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