Capetown, South Africa Assessment Item Research Paper

Total Length: 1745 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

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There are many symptoms that further support this contention, aligned by a rising level of ethnocentrism which is further blinding the company from its outside environment. Second, the lack of congruency of planning to leadership (Guay, 2013) and lack of organizing with delegation (Sengul, Gimeno, Dial, 2012) is leading to employees searching for other positions to further their careers.


In defining the plan for turning around the company, two objectives have been defined using the SMART method. These objectives are:

1. To complete an audit of managerial and leadership effectiveness of the South African expansion operations including employee satisfaction surveys and 360-degree feedback of leadership strategies.

2. To define minimum performance levels of management and leadership at Australian headquarters in terms of alignment with and strategies to overcome significant differences in Hofstede Cultural Dimension attributes.

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Reference List

Bass, B.M. (1999). Ethics, character, and authentic transformational leadership behavior. Leadership Quarterly, 10(2), 181-217.

Fitzgerald, S., & Schutte, N.S. (2010). Increasing transformational leadership through enhancing self-efficacy. The Journal of Management Development, 29(5), 495-505.

Guay, R.P. (2013). The relationship between leader fit and transformational leadership. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 28(1), 55-73.

Hofstede, G. 1998, "Think Locally, Act Globally: Cultural Constraints in Personnel Management," Management International Review, vol. 38, pp. 7-26.

Hofstede, G. & McCrae, R.R. 2004, "Personality and Culture Revisited: Linking Traits and Dimensions of Culture," Cross -….....

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