California Pizza Kitchen Analysis Structure Case Study

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The planning systems are more oriented towards a growth strategy that can scale from just a few locations being opened to several in a given financial period. This strategy of planning based on regional expansion, where stores have been more branding, marketing (Berman, 2010) was also seen throughout the information obtained about their planned sale (MacFadyen, 2010) (Marcial, 2009). The information produced from these sources, all gained through academic search engines, was excellent. The Business Source Complete database and Academic Search Premier database delivered excellent results. After looking for peer-reviewed articles featuring KPC, it was possible to find an abundance of information o n their planned sale of the company.


Daily Record Staff. (2006, October 14). California Pizza Kitchen to donate 100% of Oct. 30 sales to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The Daily Record, p. 1.

Marcial, G. (2009). Marcial: Pros Turn Cold on California Pizza. BusinessWeek Online, 4. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.

The depth and quality of the people is seen in how readily they are willing to give up a portion of their pay for assist with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation research and also how they rallied about improving store performance to gain greater potential freedom by keeping their stores profitable and free from the initial sales discussion (Marcial, 2009). The majority of the people within the company are below 30 years of age (Ziobro, 2008).

The data obtained through ABI/Inform which was the database used for these two sources was also outstanding.

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ABI/Inform is one of the most comprehensive databases available for managing multiple data sources about a topic. ABI/Inform also only concentrates on those areas where data can be verified.


Daily Record Staff. (2006, October 14). California Pizza Kitchen to donate 100% of Oct. 30 sales to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The Daily Record, p. 1.

ZIOBRO, P. (2008, October 8). California Pizza Branches Out. Wall Street Journal - Eastern Edition, p. B3A. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.

The culture of CPK is altruistic and willing to volunteer to make life better for the less fortunate. The culture is also one that values directness and honesty, and has a vital interest in green initiatives as well (Ziobro, 2008). All of these factors have contributed to the culture being positive, focused on the future and also on retaining the freedom each store provides. Finally, even with the rumors of a sale (Berman, 2010) the stores continues to operate at strong performance levels, as store managers were able to successfully motivate their teams to excel to old onto their stores and jobs.

The data sources for this specific area of the analysis was also based on ABI/Inform in addition to EBSCO Host queries. Both of these provided contextual and referential searches, which made it possible to evaluate the quality of each data source. While ABI/Inform and EBSCO Host don't control each specific content source, it does provide a referential search.....

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