California Health Care Critique the Term Paper

Total Length: 874 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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This is important as any analyses and conclusions which are drawn from the study are directly applicable to the intended population. The survey was issued in a wide variety of language, which ensured wide participation from the immigrant population and ensured that the language barrier was not a limitation to the study. The study conducted the survey over the telephone, which would have ensured a wider participation than postal survey. The study also gained a 55% participation from a total of 11,039 which indicates that the survey would be truly representative of the immigrant population due to the large numbers of immigrants participating. The surveys were conducted in 2000, which was 5 years before the article, which indicates that factors may have changed within the period. It may have been more accurate if the data were to be published within a shorter time period after collection.


The respondents were divided into 4 categories for data analysis, which were based upon the time spent in the U.S. This ensured that all analysis was directly relevant to the purpose of the study.

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The data was used to calculate relative risk ratios for the outcome measures. These were used to assess the risk probability of immigrants not obtaining employment-based health coverage. This allowed direct comparison between the different categories of immigrant, which was effective in highlighting any observed differences. The remainder of the data, which related to the coverage and affordability of premiums, was directly compared between the groups. While the percentages of the various categories of data were presented, it was difficult to easily deduce the outcomes of these comparisons.

Discussion and Conclusions

The study found that there was a difference in ability to obtain employment-based insurance dependent on the length of time the immigrant had lived in the U.S. The study concluded that the expansion of the county's current nonemployment-based insurance programs would result in coverage of more than 30% of the uninsured immigrant population. The study did not discuss whether there may be other alternatives which would encompass a greater number of immigrants into insurance programs......

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