Business Planning Over Twenty Years Research Paper

Total Length: 743 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Strategic Goals

The author of this report has been charged with offering some strategies that would be used to "define, prioritize and meet short-term goals." Short-term goals would be those that have an impact over the next one to four years, mostly. It will also be included how those goals would support flexibility over that same time period in an "ever-evolving world." Further, there will be an assessment of a "futurist context." Specifically, this would meant that strategies that would be used for long-term goals, meaning over the next fifteen to twenty years. While looking five, fifteen or twenty years down the road may seem like a stretch to many, it is important to plan things out in advance as much as is reasonably possible based on what is currently desired for the company and what is known about the proverbial playing field.


In terms of strategies and how they would be formulated, one major thing that has to be taken seriously when it comes to all objectives is what is core to the business and what the overall strategic direction should be. For example, if a business is breaking even but just barely, the foci would need to be based on what can be done to get more of a cushion between cost of goods sold and overall revenue.

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If the business is profitable but there is the desire for expansion, then the strategy of the business would focus on how to invest in growth and where the funds for that growth would come from, whether that be cash on hand and/or loans or credit lines. The point is that there has to be an assessment of where the business currently is, where the people involved wants the business to be and how to get there. How one prioritizes the action items would really center on what is part of the critical path and what is more ancillary. For example, if expansion plans include adding more computers and network capability, it would have to be figured out how to pay for it (probably the most important thing), who will be configuring and setting it up and what that setup will look like, overall (Vanden Bos, 2015).

As for more long-term goals, one can be a little more lofty and aggressive. However, one also has to be realistic. First, there would obviously have to be an alignment between the….....

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