Business Marketing 2009 Nchi Golf Research Proposal

Total Length: 580 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Further, getting the e-mail addresses of everyone that attended in the previous years and sending them invitations is also critical. A full PR plan that relies on social networking technologies is also critical (Bernoff, Li, 2008). Appendix I: Web 2.0 Technologies provides an overview of the social networking applications that can be used as part of the marketing strategy. As part of the social networking marketing strategy, a Facebook page will be created, blogs created by touring golf professionals who will be playing, and a Twitter account to update those following the event online.


Marketing Strategy Component


Website and Facebook Development


Series of advertisements in Columbus. OH newspaper


Production of 60 second commercial for public television


Champion for Children Program Sponsorship Strategy


Banner Advertising on Local Columbus, OH Sites

$1,500 Totals:



Marketing Strategy Component

Website and Facebook Development - Using local web developer Wolf Creative (Cincinnati) to create a Facebook page and microsite to promote the event in addition to having Twitter, Friendfeed, and e-mail updates.

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Expected time to produce is 3 weeks.

Series of advertisements and placements in Columbus. OH newspaper -- Enlisting the services of touring golf pros to provide a brief photo session or just their photographs in a series of advertisements for the local Columbus, Ohio papers would be produced by the Director of Marketing and PR team volunteers.

Production of 60 second commercial for public television -- As public television stations offer free broadcast time to charitable events, hiring a local television production staff for $4,000 to shoot a 60 second spot on the golf course where the event is being held. Production companies would be solicited for a donation, and in the.....

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"Business Marketing 2009 Nchi Golf" (2009, May 11) Retrieved June 29, 2024, from

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"Business Marketing 2009 Nchi Golf" 11 May 2009. Web.29 June. 2024. <>

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"Business Marketing 2009 Nchi Golf", 11 May 2009, Accessed.29 June. 2024,