Business - Human Resources Human Essay

Total Length: 525 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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List each of the transfer of training situations created by Dr. Camp, and identify how each of those situations relates to the information in the textbook related to transfer of training.

The statistical analysis serves two purposes: it enables program administrators to gauge the effectiveness of its training methods and identifies candidates who can contribute further to its success. Statistics provide one of the most objective measures of understanding. This facilitates the transfer of training by identifying employees whose actual performance indicates that they may require additional training to achieve satisfactory performance levels. The one-day refresher training facilitates transfer of training by providing a mechanism to gauge real-world experience with its implementation, in addition to providing a source of specific adjustments suggested by difficulties and any concerns identified in the first attempts to implement training in the organization.
According to available research, subsequent reinforcement substantially increases the transfer of both academic learning and vocational training.

Finally, the suggested creation of the task force to examine the effectiveness of transfer-of-training goals extends the potential benefits of the first series of program evaluations by providing longer-term feedback into actual benefits of training. It also allows for the identification of possible areas of improvement or directed focus that were not apparent immediately after the first training sessions. This approach to program evaluation will ultimately generate the most important measure of transfer of training because it distinguishes long-term benefits from illusory shorter-term benefits that may reflect meaningful changes in business operations less accurately......

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