Business Continuity Plan Testing and Auditing Research Paper

Total Length: 707 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Business Auditing and Testing

Business Auditing

Testing and auditing is an essential of a business plan. Business plan is a blueprint followed in the successful launch or re launch an operation. It conveys the business prospects, growth and describes the product market. Business and auditing plan helps in preparedness of emergencies as a safety precaution for the continuity of a business. This planning ensures that services of a business continue when there are significant disruptions or when a disaster strikes. In some places, the business continuity plan is a policy requirement. The management should be well trained to help them to adapt to the change of circumstances. It helps the managers to determine a safe way to work during emergencies.

Business continuity plan is a document that having procedures on what to implement when things go wrong. Formation should consider the term; like long-term or short-term, and, part time or full time positions in the organization. These plans come into place because; despite precautions some unexpected events always occur in businesses. These plans are subject to constant reviewing.

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These plans should be put in place regarding certain disasters that can strike a business. The disaster can be evaluated, and amount to be used to reverse the situation, put aside to mitigate the effects. Putting procedures in place helps to counter every possible disaster.

Testing a business plan

Testing of a business plan includes the processing of various departments and IT parts. Testing is useful in the overall risk management. Business plan should be maintained and monitored regularly. Testing of the plan should focus on preventive and emergency measures, including if they are already in use. Personnel involved in the business plan should be available in the testing process.

Testing starts with preparation, which is to be used during the testing process. The plan should involve all areas of the organization to be used in actual testing. All tests are carried out during actual testing in all areas and documents. Evaluation, revision and approval of the plan are done before implementation. Testing requires Proper documentation. Testing of a business continuity plan should also involve….....

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