Business Conflict Though Conflict Is Article

Total Length: 679 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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e. Ms. Spiteri, work teams and the company at large. When it comes to IBM, the ongoing case against it i.e. litigation can be taken to be a cost of the said conflict. Further, one could argue that the company lost in terms of productivity as the affected individual was unable to give her best. Also, her distress could have affected her relations with customers hence informing client complaints which can be viewed as yet another cost. At the individual level, the said conflict cost Ms. Spiteri frustration, anxiety and stress. At the work team level, absenteeism (on the part of Spiteri due to her distress) could be taken as a cost of conflict. Further, strained relations between the supervisor and Ms. Spiteri or with the other employees is an additional cost of conflict in this scenario.


Given that the conflict in this case was not resolved amicably and on time, I am convinced that several strategies could have mitigated the resulting costs.

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To begin with, the problem should have been acknowledged earlier. It is possible that when the management was made aware of the issue at first, it did not see it as 'important' or urgent. Several months down the line, the company is faced with a potentially damning lawsuit. Secondly, the company should have kept its communication lines open. Given that the law firm in this case has highlighted other similar sexual harassment instances against the company, it is possible that many other employees suffered in silence due to the absence of robust grievance communication avenues. Creating such avenues would help in conflict resolution.


In conclusion, it is clear from the above text that unresolved conflict could be catastrophic for an organization. In an increasingly diverse workplace, the relevance of effective conflict management strategies cannot be overstated......

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