Business of Being Born Film Review

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Business of Being Born

The movie The Business of Being Born delves into the industry of birth in the United States. The movie seeks to tackle two basic angles regarding the nature of birth and whether it should be treated as a natural and normal process or as a medical emergency requiring intense intervention.

The documentary, produced by famous TV talk show host Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein, investigates how the landscape of birth is changing as the social climate has evolved; the view of birth has become clouded by forces of fear, money, overreliance on doctors and an eagerness to treat the birthing process as a medical condition.

The film offers sobering statistics on how the U.S. has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the developed world along with second-worst newborn death rate of any industrialized nation. While midwives are commonplace in Japan and Europe, only 8% of the time are they utilized in the birthing process for American women.

The documentary proceeds to follow Cara Muhlhahn, a New York City certified midwife as she attends a variety of home births. Muhlhahn offers her opinions on home birth and shares her philosophy on birthing as a normal part of the life process and stresses how empowering and gratifying it can be for mothers to rely on their own bodies for offering them the clues and cues in order birth their babies naturally.

This movie was very much an expose and offered a glimpse into the world of the midwife. It dispelled many of the myths regarding midwives as little more than scenery in a birth process and explained that trained, educated and informed midwives can serve as very valuable….....

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