Business Analysis of First Scenario Reaction Paper

Total Length: 709 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Liz makes this statement in her speech along with the concept of building a better mousetrap. At the center of the lack of focus on strategic planning, Liz isn't ca0pturing what makes her business unique, differentiated and inherently more valuable that competitors. The problem is one of myopic focus on the business that gets in the way of seeing the potential to use customer experience as a valuable differentiator or segmentation boundary for example. The lack of strategic planning with boundary conditions or parameters is especially evident in how the speech doesn't get down to key points and provide actionable advice.

This lack of coordinated outside view of the markets, competition, trends in the market and how CanGo can capitalize on them shows the company needs a more robust strategic planning framework. The solution would be to standardize on the Porter Five Forces Model (Porter, 2008).

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Using this model will streamline and organize the capturing of information while also showing how each aspect of competition, buyers, suppliers, substitute products and competitive rivalry impact the company over time.

This model would also give CanGo the ability to be more thoughtful and informed when evaluating potential new business opportunities, preserving their agility as a company while bringing in the necessary discipline to drive new sales (Balducci, 2011). There also needs to be a strong focus on financial accountability as part of this new approach so that Liz will have a very clear understanding of where her company is excelling and where it needs to focus more efforts (Morita, Flynn, Ochiai, 2011). Overall, the second video shows just how critical it is for the company to get a strong, agile strategic framework in place to deal with future growth......

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