Brutality of the Crusades the Research Paper

Total Length: 1601 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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As Zimbardo explains in his Stanford Prison study, the behavior of the guards just got worse and worse over time because there was no supervision or accountability (2013). "Dehumanization also occurred because the prisoners often had no prison clothes available, or were forced to be naked as a humiliation tactic by the military police and higher ups. There were too many of them; in a few months the number soared from 400 to over a thousand. They didn't have regular showers, did not speak English, and they stank. Under these conditions it's easy for guards to come to think of the prisoners as animals, and dehumanization processes set in" (Zimbardo, 2013).

Thus, all of these factors worked together to create a barrel of evil and the Christians who were part of the Crusades were not immune to it. As Zimbardo explains, virtually any good person who is put into such an environment will succumb to the evil and brutality and being to mimic it. The Pentagon treats the violations of Abu Ghraib as a few bad apples poisoning an otherwise strong military.

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The reality is that they were all bad apples. Thus, just as some historians will treat the Crusades as the attempts of Christians to convert Muslims, with a few Christians who acted too brutally, this is naive and incorrect. The Crusades were created by a wave of savages who called themselves Christians......

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