Brian Stewart on February 6, Article Review

Total Length: 654 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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Married to his wife of 25 years and the father of four children, Minns nonetheless pursued Piotrowski, who was 24 years his junior. The two became involved in a serious romantic relationship. Piotrowski maintains that she believed Minns' statements that he was in an open marriage, and the fact that she repeatedly appeared in public with him certainly seemed to verify his assertions that his wife knew of their affair. However, at some time, Piotrowski became dissatisfied with the affair. She broke up with Minns, who did not take the break-up well. He allegedly hired a series of individuals to harass her, including tapping her phones and following her. When intimidation did not prove sufficient to bring Piotrowski back into his arms, Minns allegedly hired a hit-man to try to kill her. Piotrowski was shot four times, which resulted in her paralysis.

It is important to keep in mind that Minns has never been prosecuted for his alleged role in Piotrowski's injuries. "Four men, including the private detective hired by Richard Minns to tap Piotrowski's phone and harass her after they broke up, were later imprisoned for conspiracy to commit murder" (McLellan, 1991). However, while these men were only linked to Piotrowski through Minns, Minns was never even questioned about his alleged role in the crime. However, Piotrowski did file a civil complaint against Minns for his role in her injuries. She was granted a substantial judgment ($60 million) in that civil suit, but Minns had liquidated his assets and left the country prior to her filing the suit, and Piotrowski, who now goes by the name Janni Smith, has yet to collect on that judgment......

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