Brazilian Informatics and the United Research Proposal

Total Length: 1517 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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There were hundreds of thousands of jobs that were at stake if the U.S. imposed trade sanctions on Brazil. Because Brazil's trade barriers to U.S. informatics products was so blaringly in violation of international trade rules and was of the nature that justified retaliation Brazil was faced with the loss of lucrative markets abroad that they had worked many years to build. Shoe manufacturers employed 700,000 workers while the computer industries only provided 40,000 jobs and exported practically nothing. Therefore, Brazil had everything to lose and little to gain in refusing negotiations of this matter.

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The United States took every opportunity to gently lead Brazil toward reducing and mitigating the trade barriers which appear to be quite intentional and heavily one-sided in terms of the benefits derived however, when the economy in Brazil showed signs of weakening and then inflation took hold, President Reagan understood that this was the time to move and indeed Brazil responded accordingly......

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