Bolshevik Revolution in Russia Essay

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He became a virtual dictator which saw his government making peace with Germany, distributed land and nationalized 1918 there was a devastating civil war against the anti-Bolshevik white 1920 the anti-Bolsheviks were defeated which saw the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in 1922 (A&E Television Networks, LLC, 2014).

war communism

During the Civil war between 1917 and 1921 the Bolsheviks adopted the war communism that led to the breaking up of landed estates as well as forcible seizure of agricultural the cities there were intense food shortages as well as a break down of monetary system. City dwellers fled to the countryside to tend to the land which Bolshevik break up of the lands estates had transferred of peasants. Early 1921 there was a lot of public discontent with the state of economy resulting to numerous strikes and protests. The Kronstadt rebellion was a sign that there was a growing unpopularity of war communism. However the tenth party congress decided to end war communism and put in place the New Economic Policy whereby the state allowed a limited market to exist the Soviet NEP 1921-1929 was a period of market socialism that saw agricultural yields recovering to the levels they were before the Bolshevik Revolution

The death of Lenin

Following Lenin's third stroke there was the formation of a troika comprising of Stalin, Zinoviev and Kemenev which took up the leadership of the party and country as well in a bid to try and block Trorsky from ascending into power.
lenin had become very anxious because of Stalin and after his stroke in 1922 he wrote a letter to the party where he criticized him and urged his removal as the general secretary .Stalin knew of this testament by Lenin and acted in advocated for Lenin's isolation due to health reasons hence he increased his control over the party. Lenin died in January 1924 having succumbed to complications that came about as a result of the three strokes he had. Within the party Lenin was revered almost like a Christ-like figure. There was a slogan Lenin lived Lenin lives and Lenin will live typified the discourse of immortality in the struggle to assume Lenin's mantle, Zinoview, Trotsky and Stalin decided to enhance their own credentials and cast aspersions on their rivals through quoting in a selective way from Lenin's massive oeuvres even when they still invoked Lenism as a coherent doctrine body. This saw Stalin promoting socialism in one country which was consistent of Lenin's outlook.

The death of Stalin

Stalin had suffered a major stroke on March 1st 1953 but there was delayed treatment due to his actions over the previous decades. he slowly died in the course of the few days that followed apparently in agony and ended up dying of brain still remains unclear whether Stalin would have been saved if medical help would have arrived shortly after he suffered from the stroke.


A&E Television Networks, LLC.(2014). Russian Revolution.Retrieved May 9,2014 from

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