Bliss Movie Review Essay

Total Length: 590 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Film Questions and Bliss Analysis

There are a number of photographic properties in any film shot. It is essentially a piece of the puzzle, and the way the shot is handled by the director can add meaning or dimension to the scene. For example, the contrast between dark and light can be used to set the mood. Striking contrasts between dark and light, or other color hues can increase the sense of gloom and darkness within the scene. There are additional elements as well. For example, the shot can be framed either from a mobile or static position. In a mobile framing, the shot is moving along with the scene and increases the sense of action taking place in the scene. Panoramic shots often use a slow mobile framing that backs out of the scene to reveal more of the world within it. Static framing also impacts the way the images are perceived.
Moreover, the frame rate can either be standard, or manipulated to increase or decrease the tempo of the scene. In today's world of computer graphics, there are more and more possibilities for film shots.

There is one scene in particular where the director uses camera scene to increase the drama of the film, Bliss. When Cemal is sent to kill Meryem, but saves her life instead, the director uses skillful craftsmanship of the cinematographic details of the scene. He uses mobile framing to pan out of Maryem in a slow, but foreboding manner. It increases the suspense felt by the audience and augments the actress' emotional performance of a character about to jump to her own death. This is only strengthened with the music, rising with anticipation, until that moment where the camera collides with Meryem's perspective. At once, the camera rushes….....

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