Birth Control Pill Affect Women Term Paper

Total Length: 820 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Another use of the system: When a physician orders a radiological procedure that involves intravenous dye, the computer automatically checks to determine whether the appropriate blood tests on kidney functions have been completed.

The second most effective mode is that the integration of the integrated system into the floor communications. When a patient calls for a nurse, the master station provides the responding staff member with background information about the patient, thereby ensuring a personalized response to every call. The wall-mounted stations enable staff members to locate each other and communicate directly between any two stations in the network. Both types of station are equipped with a control wheel that gives the workstations a simple, non-intimidating appearance. Rotating the control wheel sequentially highlights all available options on the associated computer display, thereby eliminating guesswork and errors. Corridor lights allow staff to identify quickly which patient in a semi-private room is calling, which rooms have nurses in them, and which rooms have some type of emergency in progress. Staff members wear transmitter badges that enable the system.

The third most effective communication is cultivating an attitude of attentive listening with patients and other staff members. Hospital staff need to be patient and resourceful in trying to communicate with patients who have impairments.
Interpreters who understand the patient for those with excessive impairments may be required. It is u1seful to use aids such as pen and paper for the patient to write with, to express them. Hospital staff must be patient and understanding in communicating with each other. All hospital staff members need to, in their communications with other staff, focus on the fact that the essential mission of the hospital is patient care delivery and that open exchange of information is necessary in order to assure the best patient care possible.


Building hospital information systems and assuring the smooth flow of patient information around the hospital is a time-consuming and ongoing system.. Hospitals and health systems have to realize that they can't build an information system from scratch and that a single vendor can't provide an off-the-shelf solution to their problems, he says. Instead, they need to buy pieces or components from vendors and then assemble them in a way that best meets their needs. Given the growing importance of timely access to clinical data, "hospitals need a chief information architect, someone who will think about the institutional needs, and, in many instances, hospitals also need the institutional courage….....

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