Birth Control and Children's Bureau Term Paper

Total Length: 379 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

Birth Control and Bureau


Women have always been concerned with birth control issues since it directly impacts their health, freedom, sense of personhood and sexuality. When a woman knows she can control her reproductive system to any extent, she feels more liberated to enjoy her intimate relationships. Birth control has been as old as issue as time itself though it was only in modern times that it gained any prominence. Women since early 20th century have been trying for legalized birth control since it was found that old and unscientific measures were leading to high death rates among expectant mothers.

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Margaret Sanger is one well-known name in the field of birth control. Born in 1879, Sanger was 29 and a mother of three when she found her calling. Trained as a public health nurse, Sanger devoted her time and attention to the field of birth control after the tragic incident in which one of her patients lost her life during pregnancy and after literally begging her for the 'secret' of effective birth control. Sanger then actively began advocating legalization of birth control and challenged….....

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