Behavior of a Serial Killer? Many People Essay

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behavior of a serial killer? Many people attribute genetics to some of the actions of a serial killer, but is environment more of a determining factor? People who usually kill have had very traumatic childhoods. And although in some cases genes may have led to a faster decline in a person's psyche than a regular person, it begs to ask if people are made into monsters vs. simply being born one. A case that comes to mind is the woman who worked as a prostitute and killed her clients as a means of retribution for the damage inflicted upon her in her life by men. Her trauma and destitution fueled her desire to even the playing field and force herself to become something she and a couple others feel will end the pain of their existence.

Second Response:

It is quite clear that what parents do during the existence of their child will have a direct impact on the way their children live their lives. Every action leads to a consequence and unfortunately people affect others by simply doing things that generate darkness and chaos. What can be done to stop the cycle of misery and suffering? It seems the less options, liberties, and convenience a person has, the more prone they are to committing bad choices, leading to suffering for the people around them. I saw in my own life through a friend's abusive relationship just how negatively actions can impact a life and the world.

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Third Response:

Families play a large role in how a child develops. We as humans need support and connection to feel stability and motivation to solve problems and obstacles in life. If one feels abandoned, lonely, or unnoticed, the need to rebel, to connect heightens. It makes sense that children who are mistreated or experience constant trauma in their home life continue the cycle by committing crimes and causing bad situations for themselves. It begs to ak why if people see the damage of a broken home, can they not try to stop it at the source and make the world better overall. Wbatever actions take place eventually will directly impact us. So for anyone to ignore it and simply continue their own cycles is….....

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