Battle of Verdun Took Place Term Paper

Total Length: 367 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

Neither side could get an advantage, and both sides lost tremendous amounts of soldiers. In all, the Germans only gained about three miles of territory, and it came at a huge and lengthy cost. It seems that the Battle of Verdun took a long time while accomplishing very little. It also indicates that military leadership can become convinced of a certain line of attack no matter what, and it can lead to ultimate defeat. The Germans hung on too long at Verdun, and could have used their forces more effectively elsewhere.
As the author notes, this prolonged and ineffectual offensive showed the Germans they would eventually lose the war (Chickering 71), and at a huge cost in men and machinery. This battle of Verdun on the western front showed the futility of fighting on the west, and allowed other forces to enter and attack from the east. Verdun might have seemed perfect on paper, but in real life, it was a disaster for the German Army.


Chickering, Roger. Imperial Germany and the Great War: 1914-1918.….....

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