Battle of Tannenberg in 1914 Research Paper

Total Length: 1187 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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It stated that the Germans were (supposedly) in a retreat towards Tannenberg and detailed his plans to follow them.

Hoffman has the two messages in hand, but Ludendorff was skeptical of the messages fearing that they were trap, but Hindenburg, knowing of the personal quarrel of the two Russians, was more likely to believe the messages..

Francois was reluctant to attack without artillery support, and delayed his attack until August 27th. His attack enjoyed success pushing the Russians back to Soldau. His actions cut off Samsonov's forces keeping them in the centre.

Ludendorff ordered Francois to move North, but Francois moved East, this action countermanded his direct orders, but contributed to the defeat of the Russians. This move cut off the retreating Samsonov.

Helmuth von Moltke

was of the opinion that the Russians might overwhelm Ludendorff in the East, and contacted Ludendorff and stated that he was sending a cavalry division and three corps to him for assistance. Despite Ludendorff's complaints that they were not needed, they were sent anyway. The troops were withdrawn from France, and were a necessary part of the Sclieffen plan.

Ludendorff sent his two corps of troops south towards Samsonov's VI Corps moving north towards Bischofsburg. Surprised the Russians retreated towards the Russian border.

Hoffman and Ludendorff intercepted another order 'in the clear' (unciphered) from Zhilinksi

to Rennenkampf. He sent Otto von Below

from Bishofsburg and sent August von Mackensen

south to meet up with Francois and they joined up in Willenberg. Samsonov was now surrounded.

Samsonov ordered a General Retreat on August 28th. His troops were widely dispersed, critically short of supplies, and communications between the various corps was in tatters.


30,000 Russian troops were killed in action, 95,000 were captured, and about 10,000 escaped. About 500 guns were captured and over 60 trains were required to return the captured materiel to Germany.

Samsonov was lost in the forests with his aides and shot himself on August 29th rather than report the disaster to the Tsar Nicholas II.

The Germans however lost about 20,000 men to be killed in action. Hindenburg and Ludendorff were treated as heroes on their return to Germany.


The defeat of the Russians was a great propaganda victory for the German's, and they made much of it. The Russians made a huge mistake in communicating in 'clear text' due to their lack of equipment and men, and the three messages which were intercepted were of great significance to the Germans. These three messages were probably of the most importance to the German army who intercepted, and read, nearly every Russian message.

Russia's allies were shocked that the Russians were so easily defeated, but the size of the Russian army ensured its survival. However the Russians did not penetrate German soil again until 1945, with the Russian capture of much of Germany and Berlin.

was accessed 3/30/2010.

accessed 03/26/2010......

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