Barack Obama and Obama Research Paper

Total Length: 1358 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 8

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President Obama Project

Who is President Obama and what is his Legacy? The 44th U.S. President's second term in office has come to a close and the first Africa-American President is now out of office. As President Trump takes over with a Republican House and Senate behind him, there is much talk of upending Obama's legacy starting with Obamacare.

This paper will examine the life of President Obama, his time in office, the major accomplishments of his two terms, and likely outcome of his legacy upon leaving office -- i.e., how well his accomplishments will stand up over time.

The study will answer the question: Who is the man we have come to know as President Obama, and what is to become of his legacy?

The main points of this study will focus on his youth, his work in Chicago, his time as a politician and as President and his legacy.

The problem statement is: The state of Obama's legacy is in question with the Trump win and the Republican controlled House and Senate.

Part One: Introduction


President Obama became the first African-American President in 2008. His historic presidency promised "hope and change" -- but not all agree as to whether he actually delivered on his promises. Some have been critical and others have been lauding.

What Is It?

Because Obama remains a controversial figure whose impact on American history is still questionable, there is ample need to uncover the facts to better understand where this country has been and where it is going.

Causes and Events

Obama was elected to the White House in the wake of the War on Terror launched by the Bush Administration. Obama pledged to restore transparency, trust and peace after the failures of the Bush Administration with regard to Iraq, 9/11, and government overreach. Obama also promised to make health care more affordable for Americans.

Since Obama has left office, insurance premiums have risen making health insurance more costly for many, the War on Terror continues, and government spying on citizens remains a hot topic.
This study is significant because it will show whether Obama was successful in achieving his promises or not.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to show who Obama is and whether his presidency may be considered successful.

Research Question

Who is the man we have come to know as President Obama, and what is to become of his legacy?

Focus of the Study

The study will be organized according to the following parts. Part I will focus on the pre-White House days of Obama. Part II will focus on the Obama Administration. Part III will focus on the matter of the president's legacy.

Part Two: Research Design

Site and Sample

Google and Google Scholar will be used as primary search engines to obtain information on what historians and political commentators alike have to say about Obama, his achievements, his life, and his legacy. Sites to be used will range from to,, and

The research methods involved in this study will be similar to those used in a meta-analysis. Common themes will be identified and a synthesis of sources conducted to create a new perspective on how to view Obama and his legacy.

The documents available for this subject are numerous and include:

• Ross Douthat's "The Obama Legacy"[footnoteRef:1] [1: Ross Douthat, "The Obama Legacy," The New York Times, 18 Jan 2017.]

• Julian E. Zelizer's "The Wreckage of Obama's Legacy"[footnoteRef:2] [2: Julian E. Zelizer, "The Wreckage of Obama's Legacy," The New York Times, 19 Nov 2016.]

• "53 Historians Weigh In On Barack Obama's Legacy"[footnoteRef:3] [3: "53 Historians Weigh In On Barack Obama's….....

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