Baby Boomers and Training Case Study

Total Length: 1959 words ( 7 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 7

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Human Resource Strategy

Organizations exist in a rapidly changing environment due to factors such as technological advancements, regulatory shifts, workforce adjustments as well as industry and market changes. To thrive in the long-term, organizations must perceive and adapt to these changes effectively. Human resource management (HRM) is one of the major areas affected by changes in the internal and external environments (Truss, Mankin & Kelliher, 2012). As businesses evolve and grow, there are often changes in workplace structures, systems, processes, demands and expectations. The HRM function must ensure that the organization has the right pool of human capital to fulfill the organization's mission, vision and objectives against the backdrop of a constantly evolving environment (Mello, 2015). Accordingly, the notion of strategic HRM has gained prominence in recent times. Strategic HRM essentially entails planning and managing human resources with consideration to the organization's long-term goals and objectives (Chartered Institute of Personnel Development [CIPD], 2015). This is crucial for matching human capital with the future needs of the organization.

Octopus Technology Solutions, a technology company based in Silicon Valley, California is facing a significant HRM challenge. The company has experienced considerable growth over the past year, with forecasts indicating that the growth will be even more exponential in the next three years. The phenomenal growth has, however, increased demands, expectations and workload. In addition, a significant proportion of the organization's workforce comprises baby boomers, most of whom are expected to retire in 2018. These two issues present a significant HRM challenge for the organization. Amidst increased workplace demands and an anticipated massive exit of the older generation of employees, the organization must put measures in place to avoid a vacuum in human capital. This paper explores and justifies strategies that can be used to ensure the organization is ready for the influx of new employees and the exit of baby boomers.

Organizational Background

Founded in 1991, Octopus provides technology services and support to small, medium and large companies in diverse sectors and industries, including manufacturing, agriculture, education, and financial services. The company is particularly involved in designing, developing and selling software products for various business processes including customer relationship management (CRM), supply chain management, database management, payments, as well as finance and accounting. In two and a half decades, the company has grown to a reputable position in the increasingly competitive technology solutions market. At present, the company serves clients all over the U.S., with locations in California, New York, Washington, Florida, Hawaii, Minnesota, Texas, and Colorado. Over the past year, the company recorded remarkable growth, with revenue and profitability jumping by 49% and 32%, respectively, compared to the previous year. In the next three years, the company revenues and profitability is poised to grow even more significantly.

Mission, Vision, and Goals

With a low cost, client-focused strategy and disciplined, diligent after-sale services, Octopus seeks to provide technology solutions that help customers meet their strategic goals and objectives.
The company is committed to quality, service excellence, customer support and professionalism. The vision of the company is to be the top provider of customized business process technologies in the U.S. In addition, against the backdrop of increased growth and opportunities in the market, the company aims to increase its presence in the domestic market. The company particularly aspires to grow its customer base by establishing more locations in Maine, Ohio, Nebraska, North Dakota, and Kentucky. To continue fulfilling its mission and achieve its vision and goals, it is imperative for the company to have the right pool of talent.


Two important areas that Octopus must particularly focus on, in the next two years include recruitment, training, and development. First and foremost, it is important for the organization to start recruiting new employees at the earliest. With a significant proportion of the workforce retiring in the next two years, and with the organization expanding its geographical presence, new employees will be required to fill the vacancies left and created. Important aspects to consider when recruiting employees are the mission as well as goals and objectives of the organization (Truss, Mankin & Kelliher, 2012). As mentioned earlier, Octopus delivers technology solutions to a diverse clientele across the U.S. In order to provide quality software products, the organization requires highly qualified and competent system designers, software developers, and programmers. Primarily, the new recruits should exhibit extensive knowledge of computing, programming, as well as designing, developing, implementing, and supporting software products. They should also be individuals with outstanding flexibility, reliability and ability to collaborate, communicate effectively, beat deadlines, and work with minimum supervision. The organization also requires more client support staff to ensure clients are effectively engaged and supported throughout the software development and implementation process.

The organization can rely on a number of techniques to recruit the most talented staff. These include internal recruitment, previous applicants, campus recruitment drives, referrals, recruitment agencies and media advertisements (Falcon, 2002). For Octopus, internal recruitment may not be the suitable. The company requires a significant number of additional employees, towards which the existing, internal pool may not suffice. Therefore, focus should be on sourcing from outside the organization. Referrals from individuals within and outside the organization can be a good starting point. Individuals within the organization ideally understand the needs of the organization, and can particularly provide valuable leads to suitable candidates. Previous applications can also be considered. The company often retains a database of applicants with proven potential but who do not eventually get hired due to factors such as limited availability of vacancies or high salary demands. Such candidates often make good….....

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