B2B and B2C B2B Vs. Term Paper

Total Length: 782 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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B2B businesses also have an ethical obligation to interact with other businesses by adhering to standard business principles and fair trading regulations. Global Internet protocols are being established now resulting in more rules and regulations regarding jurisdictional power and liability for businesses offering services to other businesses, especially from a global perspective (Thierer & Crews, 2003). Businesses conducting business with other organizations must be aware of support functions, outsourcing regulations and the extent to which they may be liable for external providers influence on operations (Jacobs & Yudken, 2003).

Some companies including China are attempting to provide online dispute resolution services and regulations to help head off any difficulty businesses may have when trying to "do" business with other corporations through websites alone (Hong, 2003). Still, it is likely that several years will pass before uniform regulations are in place for business transactions on the Web.


There are still many questions about how rules and regulations affecting ordinary business transactions affect B2C and B2B businesses engaged in international trade on the Web. B2B interactions have more regulatory considerations to review, and must worry about the cultural impact their business transactions will have on those they work with.
B2B websites must learn as much as they can about the economic and cultural consequences of doing business with other businesses using a virtual interface (Jacobs & Yudken, 2003).

One fact is clear; as more and more businesses and consumers turn to the web and website only businesses for support and services, new ethical standards and new laws and regulations that can be uniformly applied must become adopted to ensure the safety of both consumers and businesses interacting with each other online......

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