Axes Including the Worth and Term Paper

Total Length: 648 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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By rejecting the correspondence theory of truth (namely, as truth corresponding to reality) and postulating instead a relative strata of truth as consisting of a construction of the human mind, the axes are a set of subjective opinions formulated by a socially privileged and credentialed class of individuals who are separate from their prescribed reality (Duffy, et al. (2002). Caplan (2001) (in (Duffy, et al. 2002) provides an instance of social wrongs that can consequent from this with the DSM recommendation for a new category called "Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder." Not only is there no hard evidence to support this category, but also the symptom could have been caused by environmental, instead of biological, causes.
Remove the environmental stressor and no such 'disease' exists. Instead the DSM axes, created by socially privileged individuals, only harm these women and teens and destroy their socioeconomic status still further by labeling them with an unjustified diagnostic label.

Other criticisms include the fact that there is an extraordinary proliferation of categories and that the DSM has been elevated to an exaggerated position that drowns out other interpretations and understandings of pathologic behavior (Gergen, Hoffman, & Anderson, 1996)......

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