Authors Michael Samuel Ofori-Duodu and Essay

Total Length: 700 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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The reader finally gets a simple, direct explanation concerning what the article is about. One wishes the writer had written like this from the start.

That wish comes true for the reader in Humphries' article. While this manuscript has a few grammatical problems, it is overall a much better paper in every way. The entire manuscript is well organized and focused on the topic at hand. Although Humphries doesn't use section headings, the writing of each part of the paper is so clear that it identifies itself to the educated eye. Each part of the paper accomplishes its purpose as expected -- and a significant measure of academic writing concerns fulfilling reader expectations of style and content.

Humphries opens his article with content that contextualizes his topic. He places the understanding of research methodologies in the context of humankind's long history of inquisitiveness, learning, and knowledge seeking. Then he unambiguously states his thesis (Humphries, n. d.).

Next, the writer identifies and defines terms relevant to understanding the information to follow in the body paragraphs.

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Each body paragraph neatly discusses one of the five research methods named in the opening paragraph. Like, Ofori-Duodo, Humphries uses examples to better describe each method, however he uses the same research scenario in each example, a technique that more clearly highlights the unique features of each method and makes their commonalities apparent, too. The author is also careful to point out the strengths, weakness, best uses, and limitations of the different research methods (Humphries, n. d.).

The reviewer enjoyed Humphries' easily accessible, conversational style of writing. The language he uses makes the reader feel engaged and addressed. The writer deserves an additional "thumbs-up" for employing effective transitional language and phrasings that guides the reader from idea to idea as she progresses through the article. The conclusion creatively but clearly restates the main points of the article and recontextualizes the content with the larger world of human inquiry (Humphries, n. d.).....

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