Attitudes Towards Social Networking Social Research Paper

Total Length: 974 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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All this factors were considered in making the final list of questions since this are the major issues that revolve around this sites. The privacy of those who access the sites is paramount that is why most of the questions were to be based on privacy.

The data was collected through distributing the questionnaires that were previously prepared and some were given to our class mates. The questionnaires were also given to our lectures that drive personal cars. Another batch of the questionnaires was distributed to working areas like offices within the school, and finally we gave some of the questionnaires to our friends who we do not school with. The filed in questionnaires then provided the information that we compiled into the report after thorough analysis of the data. There was a great internal consistency between the attitudinal dimensions and the attitudinal measure as a whole. This means that the data that we collected was reliable and can be used as a true representation of a greater population. The predictor variables and the attitudinal dimensions showed great correlation in most of the dimensions that were looked at. They can therefore be used to make conclusions of the measure as a whole.

We concluded that the most commonly visited social network site was facebook. The frequency of accessing social network sites in class was low; it was least among drivers and a considerable number while in the office.

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The probability of visiting a social network site was found to be high. The likelihood of customizing settings in social sites into private was found to be high and putting up persona; information was also found to be rare. It was also unlikely for people who have not met or know each other to connect through Facebook and the fact that most of the friends in these sites are not even important.

Data collection and analysis Challenges

It was quite difficult to convince people to take the questionnaires and convince them to provide answers. The appropriate people who were to act as the sample population was difficult to access. During analysis, analyzing the data posed a challenge due to the limited target sample's would include a larger target sample since the small sample posed a challenge in terms of the data available to analyze and the information was not sufficient to make conclusions on a large perspective.

If the data collection was to take place over again, our group would prefer the use of personal interviews and spend more time on this rather than the questionnaire since from the interviews, we would be able to see the body language and have a more social analysis of the interviewees about social media. Concerning the limited target population, we would ask for more time for the research in order to have a larger sample size covered......

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"Attitudes Towards Social Networking Social", 19 October 2012, Accessed.26 June. 2024,