Attending a County Commission Meeting Emailing Resource Materials Term Paper

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Meeting Attended meeting of the Lawrence County Commission was attended on March 26, 2002 at 5:00 P.M. At the Lawrence County Court House.

Structure of the Government Body

Lawrence County, Tennessee has 18 county commissioners. One commissioner is elected per district to serve a two-year term. Each commissioner is then assigned to a different subcommittee, where each subcommittee covers an area such as budget, school, highway and property taxes.

Each of the subcommittees meet several times a week to discuss their particular area.

All the commissioners then meet once a month where the ideas of each subcommittee are combined for discussion.

Each of the commissioners are paid $200 dollars a month for their role.

Observations of the Meeting

The meeting was opened by the Chairman, with the roll called followed by the invocation and the pledge. Resolutions were then submitted to the County Executive Offices to be reviewed at the meeting.

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Fourteen resolutions were submitted which included budget amendments for the Lawrence County Highway fund, budget amendments for the General Purpose School Fund, and a call to move the election from the court house to the basement of the senior citizens building.

This issue caused some arguments with some people opposed to the idea of moving, while others were for it based on the fact that it would result in less parking problems and less congestion in the court house.

Of the eighteen resolutions that were submitted a few were resolved with the majority put off for further consideration at a later date.

Opinion on the Meeting

The setup of the commission appeared to be well-organized. Having separate subcommittees focus on individual areas meant each issue could be dealt with thoroughly. It also meant efficient use of the commissioners' time since at the monthly meeting, the commissioners would only….....

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