Atkins Diet America Is Increasingly Being Labeled Term Paper

Total Length: 1361 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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Atkins Diet

America is increasingly being labeled as an 'obese nation' with more than 31% of adults and 17% of children currently falling in the seriously overweight category. [CBS News]. Overweight condition is by itself a risk factor for diabetes, arthritis, heart diseases, and many other complications. Over the last two decades there has been increasing awareness about diet and weight management. Among the many 'low carb' diet programs 'Atkins diet' formula is a popular choice. Formulated by Dr. Atkins in the 1970's this new 'low carb' program has stirred a diet revolution in the nation. Let us discuss in detail the diet plan, its impact on the metabolic system and its acceptability in the long run.

Atkins Philosophy

The underlying principle of Atkins program is that by means of a diet having low carbohydrates it is possible to induce lyposis/ketosis as an alternative to glucose metabolism. Atkins diet formula is based on the presumption that sugar from carbohydrates is the main factor for overweight condition. The implications of this change in fuel metabolism is that fat cells are burnt out regularly leading to loss of weight. Atkins diet programs differs from other conventional programs in that it recommends the consumption of diet rich in fats and proteins while severely reducing the intake of carbohydrates. The Atkins diet plan has four distinct phases starting with the initial induction phase.

The induction phase extends for 2 weeks and during this period carbohydrate content of the diet is strictly restricted to a maximum of 20 grams per day. During the second phase, termed the 'ongoing weight loss' phase carbohydrate intake is increased moderately at a rate of 5 grams per week until such time that the weight loss observed so far is gradually stopped. After reaching this stage there follows a daily decrement of carbohydrates by 5 gms to effect a sustained weight loss. Then follows the 'pre maintenance phase' wherein the dieters are asked to increase carbohydrate levels by 10 grams per week until such stage is reached where there is a minimal sustained weight loss. The final maintenance Phase is a life long period of selective dieting which maintains the weight with regular intake of supplements.

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[Atkins Nutritionals]

Atkins Diet / U.S. RDA

The standard calorific content of carbohydrates, proteins and fats are 4, 4 and 9 calories per gram respectively. The RDA nutrition specifications are based on an average consumption of 2000 calories per day but typically Atkins dieters consume only around 1500 calories per day. Their intake and the calorific value derived from the different nutrients also vary significantly from the RDA recommendations. For example the daily average of carbohydrate intake as recommended by the RDA is 300 g, which is equivalent to 1200 calories per day providing around 60% of the total energy requirements. However, in the Atkins diet program the carbohydrate intake is reduced to 20 g (80 calories) during the induction phase and kept below 90 g even during the maintenance phase which means that the total calories derived from carbohydrates during the maintenance phase is only 360 calories at the maximum. The protein content on the other hand is considerably increased (around 35%) contributing around 700 calories per day which is more than thrice the value recommended by the U.S. RDA which is 10% or 50 g a day. [FDA] Since fruits are strictly exempted (or undesirable) from diet, fiber content and calcium levels in Atkins diet is very low.

It is well-known that fruits and vegetables are the natural sources of vitamins. The U.S. RDA for vitamins A, C, D and E. are 5000 IU, 60 mg, 400 IU and 30 IU respectively. Since Atkins dieters have to abstain from fruits, (to avoid carbohydrates) supplementary sources are a necessity. Sticking to Atkins diet without the supplementation will lead to severe vitamin and mineral deficiency. Except for a few vitamins like Vitamin D and B12, which are derived from animal sources, Atkins dieters do not derive sufficient quantities of other vitamins from their fat and protein rich diet prescription. The U.S. RDA dosage for….....

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